It has been quite some time since we have posted new dirtbags on this blog, but one steaming pile of crap has risen to the top trying to devalue an already fragile workplace.
They do not have the balls to have their own requester account, because if they did, their Turkopticon scores would be so low, no one would ever work for them.
What they do is they allow scumbag academics to post using their platform for free at whatever price they choose. If someone wants to use them to post HITS and wants to pay a penny per hour, turkprime says, " go right ahead, we don't care about this workplace or about the real people trying to earn a living "
Some of the negativity about them on reddit
I love the comment "If I see "powered by" I return the hit"
Some excellent posts here as well
Just disgusting.
It is just lazy academics using this service. Looking at Billy Griswals tweets it appears that this is a common practice by turkprime to allow these people to post for next to nothing. I guess #mturkgate meant nothing when the academics lower the wage to almost 0.